Drug testing is increasingly popular to:

  • help you stay on course, tracking your progress

  • show a friend or family member that you are making progress

  • prove to social services and courts that you are abstinent

  • check that your children are not engaging in drug or alcohol misuse

  • test employees to identify where support is required

  • test employees to check that they are fit to work (e.g. driving / operating machinery)

Independent testing for anyone.

Urine testing is one of the most popular methods of determining recent drug misuse across a wide panel of substances and checking for abstinence.

Urine testing is an excellent method of delivering quick and accurate results on-site.

Our tests are suitable for males and females and implement a range of anti-tamper technologies to ensure the validity of test samples and results.

Our most popular test is a 10 panel urine drug test that will reveal usage of cannabis, cocaine, opiates, amphetamine, benzodiazepines, tramadol, ketamine, methadone, methamphetamine, and ecstasy. We also provide a wide range of other urine testing options to meet your specific requirements.

Where the results are non-negative, samples can be verified by UKAS accredited laboratories to provide legally defensible evidential standard results.

Testing from £15.

Legally defensible laboratory testing and reporting - £145 per individual for a single drug request + £60 per each extra single drug requested.

Urine testing.

Oral fluid testing is ideal where dedicated toilet facilities cannot be made available.

Our most popular test will reveal recent usage of cannabis, cocaine, opiates, amphetamine, methamphetamine and benzodiazepine. We also provide a wide range of other saliva testing options to meet your specific requirements.

Saliva testing reveals substance usage from 30-60 minutes to 48 hours after use and results are available within 20-30 minutes of completing a test.

Testing from £15.

Saliva testing.

Hair strand testing detects the presence of metabolites that have passed through the bloodstream and into the subjects hair follicle.

Hair strand testing can be used to help determine a history of drug usage for up to 12 months.

Contact me to discuss your requirements and available options.

Hair strand testing.

Urine alcohol tests detect alcohol consumption for up to three days after the last use. This makes them ideal for randomly monitoring a subjects alcohol use where the subject is reporting abstinence.

Single-use blow tube disposable alcohol tester breathalysers are perfect for easy, fast and reliable breath alcohol detection where zero alcohol tolerance is required (such as professional drivers or operators of dangerous machinery).

Urine and Breathalyser tests from £8.

Contact me to discuss your specific alcohol monitoring requirements and highly competitive pricing.

Alcohol use monitoring.

Rethink Recovery doesn’t just provide drug testing.

Rethink Recovery provides the expertise and experience to help support Social Services and Family Safeguarding teams at every stage of case management.

Ticking all the boxes for Social Services.

Drug testing is vital to help identify drug use - both for providing support to employees and where there is no alternative to taking robust enforcement action.

Alcohol testing is crucial to ensure that staff are fit to work when driving or operating dangerous machinery.

Rethink Recovery offers discount rate cards to help support high-volume testing.

Testing for business to support and enforce.